Each month, Gilmore Avenue Car Wash & Quick Lube gives back to nonprofits through their Community Wash Program. And excitingly, the Winona Area Humane Society has been selected as the August donation recipient! We’re fortunate to be part of this program, and here’s how it works:
FIRST, pick up a car wash certificate slip from WAHS before the end of August
We have certificates available at our door during 12-5 Tuesday-Friday and 10-2 Saturday; take as many as you can use!
You can also print one off from home at the bottom of this page!
Then, bring the certificate to Gilmore Avenue Car Wash (602 Clarks Lane in Winona)
Purchase any of the qualifying services listed on the certificate: individual washes in the soft cloth tunnel, prepaid wash books, new unlimited wash plan sign ups, or gift cards
100% of the purchase price will be donated to WAHS animals!
And that’s it! By getting a great car wash and bringing the certificate, you’ll be helping homeless animals in our community. What could be better?!
We thank the Gilmore Avenue Car Wash for this incredible opportunity. So many animals will be helped through these donations!