Which area(s) are you applying to volunteer in?
Check all that apply.
Dog walking
Cat socializing
Fundraising events
Outdoor/yard work
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Is this phone number a cell or landline?
Cell phone
If you are a parent or guardian submitting this application on behalf of a minor who wishes to volunteer, please enter the name of the child below with their age. There can be up to 2 children accompanying you during a volunteer session.
Current Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Your Date of Birth (used only for a basic background check)
Please type your full name below to authorize the Winona Area Humane Society to run a background check.
Please indicate your reason for applying to volunteer:
My volunteering is not part of a requirement; I want to help animals in need!
I need volunteer hours for a school-related requirement
I need community service hours
I'm volunteering as part of a project
If your volunteering is to complete a requirement, how many hours do you need? If you need to complete hours by a certain date, please list the date below as well.
Due to the time required for training, we ask all volunteers to complete 10+ hours during their time at WAHS. Can you commit to completing at least 10 hours volunteering?
Do you have allergies or other conditions that could affect your ability to work in certain areas of the facility?
If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please briefly describe the allergies or conditions.
Do you have any hidden talents (photography, social media marketing, graphic design, etc.) that may be useful here at the Humane Society?
Respect others, even though I may not agree with them
Display courtesy, sensitivity, consideration, and compassion for people and animals
Use good judgment in recognizing the scope of authority of staff members
Keep safety at the forefront of all volunteer activities
Follow the rules presented to me in training
Respect and use equipment and supplies as they are intended
Report all injuries immediately to a staff person
Perform all tasks to the best of my ability
Ask for help when needed
Recognize training is essential to maintain safe shelter practices
Recognize my limitations and those of others
Set boundaries for myself - know my limits with the animals and other activities
Hold myself accountable for the commitments I undertake
Recognize that I may need to communicate verbally
Listen to the needs of others
Advise shelter personnel of relevant information regarding the animals and my involvement at the shelter
Recognize that commitment comes from within
Respect that people and animals count on me to honor my commitments as scheduled
Work together with staff and other volunteers to meet WAHS goals
Value my role in the maintenance and growth of the organization
Strive to promote a positive environment
Respect and support all people and animals
Behavioral Expectations
At the Winona Area Humane Society, we seek to create a positive environment where two-way communication and strong trust among all involved are established. We focus on teamwork, client service, and the importance of assisting others. Please read through and check the boxes below to signify your agreement to these principles.
I agree to:
Understand the impact of my work on others
Maintain constructive relationships and demonstrate respect for everyone contacted
Deal constructively with conflict and focus on the situation, issue, or behavior and not on the person by diffusing situations before conflicts arise, resolving conflicts directly, and actively promoting and gaining cooperation from others
Accurately provide and receive information in oral and written communications
Consistently provide ideas, opinions, or information in an articulate and professional way
Actively listen to others and demonstrate understanding of other points of view
Willingly adjust to changing conditions or priorities
Take the initiative to identify and act on problems, and lead by example
Consistently make decisions that resolve problems
Responsibility Disclaimer
Please check the boxes below to signify your agreement to the following statements:
I acknowledge that the Winona Area Humane Society is not responsible for any injuries (temporary, long-term, or permanent) caused by any animal in possession of the Winona Area Humane Society or any injuries that may occur while I am volunteering.
I understand that walking, handling, feeding, or any care of the Winona Area Humane Society's animals is at my own risk.
Keycard Agreement
You may be issued an entry keycard upon volunteer training (all dog walkers are required to submit a refundable $20 keycard deposit). Please check the boxes below to signify your agreement to the following statements regarding keycards:
I understand that my entry card is for my use only, and I'm not to bring friends or family into the facility outside of open office hours without prior approval. Any injuries (temporary, long-term, or permanent) caused by any animal in possession of the Winona Area Humane Society during an unauthorized visit are not the fault of the Winona Area Humane Society.
I acknowledge that damaging, losing, or not returning my card will result in my deposit being taken to replace the card.
Today's Date