Status: available for visits!
Information: female, Domestic Long Hair, black & white, approximately 1-2 years old, FIV/FeLV-, up-to-date on vaccinations, waiting for spay appointment (surgery cost is still included in adoption fee)
A Little About Strawberry:
Strawberry’s yet another sweet, kindhearted cat looking for her new best friend
Came in as part of a group with 11 other cats from one property
Although she was very loved by her caretaker, they were not able to look after her anymore
She’s still getting used to her new environment and meeting more people
Strawberry came to WAHS very late in pregnancy and gave birth to two kittens shortly after her arrival
Unfortunately she experienced difficulty caring for the kittens, but another mama was able to provide care
Strawberry’s now recovered from the ordeal and rejoined her feline companions in a shared living space
She can’t be officially adopted until after her spay (which is scheduled), but in the meantime would love to meet potential adopters!
Enjoys spending time with her cat friends
Flops over for pets when she’s really enjoying herself
Best fit home is one that’s patient, understanding, and prepared to give Strawberry the time she needs to feel comfortable